Original Crafts From Wine Corks

What to do with wine corks? Into new masterpieces for interior decorating!

Wine stoppers are a valuable material for making decorations and useful things for home and country. From this seemingly useless waste you can create anything – from useless miniature souvenirs to full-fledged furniture. Inspired by these ideas, you’re likely to want to make handicrafts out of wine corks, and then there is a question – where to get caps? It is unlikely to be able to accumulate them on their own, you will have to find friends who work in cafes and restaurants.

Wooden cork is made from the unique cork wood – it is not afraid of moisture, resistant to mold and rot. Cork crafts will last a long time, no matter where you find a use for them – in the living room, kitchen, balcony, bathroom, in the backyard or in the garden. Additional processing of cork wood is not required, but if you want it can be varnished or painted in the desired shade.

If there is very little cork, then pre-cut the available raw material into circles of equal width. From these circles turn out an original support for a hot cup or a plate. The elements can be glued tightly together, stapled or staggered with a fishing line. In the first case you get a solid product, and in the second – a flexible stand.

It is not difficult to vary the thickness of the stand, and if you put the caps horizontally, you get a completely different masterpiece. Such handmade articles of champagne corks can be made not only for yourself, but also as a gift.

Taking a wooden board as a base, it is easy to make a convenient holder for keys or jewelry. Attach the plugs simply with screws. To maintain a unified style, it is recommended to cover the board with cork wallpaper.

A little more imagination and unnecessary wine corks turn into stylish candle holders for decorating candles, photo frames, decorative panels and baskets for bread.

Curtains from wine corks look spectacular in any interior, and if you do not want to decorate your apartment with them, hang them on the balcony or on the cottage. It is easy to make such a thing – the construction is gathered on fishing line, as usual beads, or with the help of metal fasteners.